We were doing a research of IoT events to visit and had to spend quite some time digging, googling, verifying links and producing a single spreadsheet sorted by date. As result we got this table and decided to share it in case other Internet of Things enthusiasts find it useful – enjoy and good luck with your projects, maybe see you at one of these!
Note: If you spot an error or know of an event which isn’t in the table, simply leave a comment and we will update it. Press green button to reveal hyperlink (sorry this is the way plugin works). All links are correct and tested as of today (18th Sep 2016). You can download Excel, CSV and PDF copies using the buttons below.
Date (yy.mm.dd) | Days | Country | City | Title | Link |
16.09.19 | 2 | Greece | Athens | IoT Conference Athens 2016 | http://iotconference.boussiasconferences.gr/ |
16.09.19 | 3 | United States | Chicago | 2016 Data and Analytics Conference | http://www.cisco.com/c/m/en_us/training-events/events-webinars/data-analytics.html#overview |
16.09.20 | 3 | Netherlands | Hague | hardwear.io - Hardware Security Conference and Training | http://hardwear.io/ |
16.09.21 | 2 | United Kingdom | London | The Internet of Healthcare | http://www.internetofbusiness.net/healthcare/ |
16.09.21 | 2 | United Kingdom | London | IoT Smart Summit London | http://www.iotsmartsummitlondon.com/industrial-internet.html |
16.09.21 | 2 | United Kingdom | London | Industrial Internet Summit | http://www.iotsmartsummitlondon.com/industrial-internet.html |
16.09.21 | 2 | United Kingdom | London | Monetizing the Internet of Everything | https://www.tmforum.org/events/ioe-monetization-action-days/ |
16.09.26 | 2 | Canada | Ottawa | AdHocNets 2016 | http://adhocnets.org/2016/show/home |
16.09.26 | 1 | India | Hyderabad | Smart City SOLUTIONS | http://smartcities.gov.in/ |
16.09.26 | 3 | United States | Chicago | Smart Industry 2016 | http://event.smartindustry.com/ |
16.09.27 | 2 | United States | New York | The Internet of Insurance US | http://www.internetofbusiness.net/insurancenyc/ |
16.09.27 | 2 | United States | Chicago | Bosch ConnectedWorld Chicago | http://bcw.bosch-si.com/chicago/ |
16.09.28 | 1 | United States | San Francisco | Stream Conf 2016 | http://www.streamconf.com/ |
16.09.29 | 1 | Russia | Moscow | IoT Conference (Moscow) | http://iotconf.ru/en |
16.09.29 | 2 | Canada | Ottawa | IoT613 2016 Conference | http://www.iot613.ca/ |
16.09.30 | 2 | Argentina | Buenos Aires, | ExpoInternet Latinoámerica | http://www.expointernetla.com/ |
16.10.05 | 2 | Germany | Düsseldorf | M2M Summit 2016 | http://m2m-summit.com/ |
16.10.06 | 2 | Italy | Milano | Connected Automobiles 2016 | http://www.connectedautomobiles.eu/ |
16.10.09 | 4 | Hungary | Budapest | IEEE SMC 2016 Special Session on Intelligent Internet of Things |,%20Hungary_IIoT.pdf |
16.10.10 | 5 | South Korea | Seoul | IoT Week Korea 2016 | http://www.iotweek.kr/2016/eng/main.asp |
16.10.11 | 3 | Germany | Hamburg | Smart City SOLUTIONS | http://www.intergeo.de/intergeo-en/exhibitor/integrated-topics/smart-city-solutions.php |
16.10.11 | 3 | Germany | Berlin | 2nd Annual M2M and IoT Strategies Summit | http://iottelecomsummit.com/ |
16.10.12 | 2 | Denmark | Copenhagen | Monetizing IoT: Copenhagen | http://m-iot.io/ |
16.10.12 | 1 | Canada | Toronto | CONNECTED+ Torronto | http://www.connectedplusshow.com/ |
16.10.13 | 2 | United States | San Diego | TU-Automotive West Coast 2016 | http://www.tu-auto.com/west-coast/ |
16.10.17 | 3 | United States | Boston | IoT Security Summit | https://tmt.knect365.com/iot-security/ |
16.10.17 | 1 | Australia | Sydney | Everything IoT Summit 2016 | http://www.everythingiot.com.au/everything-iot-summit-2016 |
16.10.18 | 2 | United States | New York | The Internet of Retail US | http://www.internetofbusiness.net/retailnyc/ |
16.10.18 | 2 | United States | Chicago | Security of Things 2016 | http://www.iotevents.org/security-of-things-2016 |
16.10.18 | 2 | Sweden | Västerås | HealthyIoT | http://healthyiot.org/2016/show/home |
16.10.19 | 3 | India | New Delhi | IoT India Expo 2016 | http://www.smartcardsexpo.com/ |
16.10.19 | 2 | Germany | Berlin | Wind Power Big Data and IoT Forum | http://windpowerdata.global-renewableenergy-summit.com/ |
16.10.19 | 3 | Japan | Tokyo | IoT Japan | http://expo.nikkeibp.co.jp/iot/2016/exhibition/english/ |
16.10.20 | 2 | United States | Santa Clara | IoT Tech Expo North America | http://www.iottechexpo.com/northamerica/ |
16.10.20 | 1 | Canada | Toronto | Geoweb Summit #15 | http://geowebsummit.com/october2016/ |
16.10.24 | 2 | United Kingdom | London | Tech Expo - Emerging Tech in Context | https://the-tech-expo.com/?v=79cba1185463 |
16.10.24 | 3 | Serbia | Belgrade | 2nd EAI International Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures (FABULOUS 2016) | http://fabulous-conf.org/2016/show/home |
16.10.25 | 1 | Germany | Ludwigsburg | IoT Day at EclipseCon Europe | https://www.eclipsecon.org/europe2016/ |
16.10.25 | 3 | Spain | Barcelona | IOT Solutions World Congress 2016 | http://www.iotsworldcongress.com/ |
16.10.25 | 3 | France | Grenoble | IoT Planet International Trade Show 2016 | http://www.iotevents.org/iot-planet-international-trade-show-2016 |
16.10.27 | 2 | India | New Delhi | CONNECTED TRANSPORT SHOW | http://www.iotevents.org/connected-transport-show |
16.10.28 | 1 | United Kingdom | London | IoT in Retail | http://www.iot-in-retail.co.uk |
16.11.01 | 2 | United States | Chicago | The Internet of Manufacturing, Chicago | http://www.internetofbusiness.net/manufacturingchicago/ |
16.11.01 | 2 | United States | Palo Alto | Smart Home Summit | https://tmt.knect365.com/smart-home/ |
16.11.02 | 3 | United States | San Diego | Security of Things World USA | http://securityofthingsworldusa.com/en/ |
16.11.02 | 2 | United States | Chicago | IOT Emerge | http://www.ioti.com/ |
16.11.03 | 2 | United Kingdom | London | Big Data LDN | http://bigdataldn.com/ |
16.11.07 | 1 | Germany | Stuttgart | 2ND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON INTEROPERABILITY & OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS – INTEROSS-IOT – Call for Proposals | http://www.iot-conference.org/iot2016/ |
16.11.07 | 3 | Germany | Stuttgart | IoT2016 - 6th International Conference on the Internet of Things | http://www.iot-conference.org/iot2016/call-for-papers/ |
16.11.08 | 2 | UAE | Dubai | Arab Future Cities Summit Dubai 2016 | http://www.smartcitiesdubai.com/ |
16.11.09 | 1 | Canada | Toronto | Intelligent Cities Summit - IoT, Big Data for Municipalities | http://iotevents.ca/event/intelligent-cities/ |
16.11.09 | 2 | France | Paris | Smart City - Smart Grid | http://www.smartgrid-smartcity.com/ |
16.11.11 | 1 | India | New Delhi | Connected Industry IoT summit | http://www.cycron.in/iot/ |
16.11.13 | 3 | United States | Leander | IoT6 Exchange Summit | http://www.iot6xchange.com/ |
16.11.14 | 3 | United States | Los Angeles | Connected Car Expo | http://connectedcarexpo.com/ |
16.11.15 | 2 | United Kingdom | London | IoT Build | http://www.internetofbusiness.net/iotbuild/ |
16.11.15 | 2 | United States | Chicago | Insurance IoT USA Summit | http://events.insurancenexus.com/insuranceiotusa/ |
16.11.15 | 2 | Canada | Toronto | IoT, Big Data Retail Summit Canada | https://iotevents.ca/event/retail/ |
16.11.15 | 2 | Spain | Barcelona | The IoT Networks Event | http://www.iotnetworksevent.com/ |
16.11.16 | 3 | China | Chengdu | IoT China 2016 | http://www.internetofthingschina.com.cn/events/iot-china-2016/event-summary-7b61dc26187047f3bf66b37b39b858ab.aspx |
16.11.20 | 3 | Ireland | Dublin | Internet of Things World Europe | https://tmt.knect365.com/iot-world-europe/ |
16.11.22 | 2 | Sweden | Stockholm | Embedded Conference Scandinavia | http://www.embeddedconference.se/ |
16.11.26 | 1 | Nicaragua | Nicaragua | IoT Nicaragua: Security Conference | http://www.iotevents.org/iot-nicaragua-security-conference |
16.11.29 | 1 | United Kingdom | London | IoT WORLD FORUM 2016 | http://iotinternetofthingsconference.com/ |
16.11.30 | 2 | Singapore | Singapore | Industry of Things Summit Asia | http://industryofthingssummit.com/asia/home/about.html |
16.12.01 | 1 | Online | Online | Grand Slam™ 2016 Internet of Things Conference - An IoT Slam® Production | http://iotslam.com/ |
16.12.01 | 2 | United States | Detroit | Automotive Tec.AD | http://autonomous-driving-detroit.com/en/ |
16.12.02 | 1 | Online | Online | Health Slam™ 2016, IoT for Healthcare Conference - An IoT Slam® Production | http://healthcare.iotslam.com/ |
16.12.06 | 2 | United States | Boston | Smart Cities Summit | https://tmt.knect365.com/smart-cities/ |
16.12.06 | 1 | United Kingdom | London | IoT Security Foundation Conference 2016 | https://iotsecurityfoundation.org/event/iot-security-foundation-conference-2016/ |
16.12.11 | 4 | United States | Washington | Connected Health | http://www.pchaconference.org/ |
16.12.12 | 3 | United States | Reston | 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) | http://iot.ieee.org/conferences-events.html |
16.12.15 | 2 | Netherlands | Eindhoven | Internet of People Event | http://www.iopevent.com/ |
16.12.15 | 4 | China | Chengdu | 9th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2016) | http://umc.uestc.edu.cn/conference/cybermatics2016/iThings2016/ |
17.01.18 | 3 | Japan | Tokyo | 3rd Wearable Expo | http://www.wearable-expo.jp/en/ |
17.01.23 | 2 | United Kingdom | London | IoT Tech Expo Europe | http://www.iotevolutionexpo.com/east/ |
17.02.01 | 1 | United States | Melville | The 13th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT2016) | http://www.cewit.org/conference2017/ |
17.02.07 | 4 | United States | Fort Lauderdale | IoT Evolution Expo | http://www.iotevolutionexpo.com/east/ |
17.02.08 | 3 | India | New Delhi | IoT India Expo 2017 | http://www.iotindiaexpo.com/ |
17.02.10 | 2 | India | Coimbatore | 2017 International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC) | http://ismac2017.com/index.html |
17.02.19 | 3 | United States | San Diego | Industry of Things World USA 2017 | http://industryofthingsworldusa.com/en/book-now |
17.02.21 | 3 | United States | Portland | OpenIoT Summit | http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/openiot-summit |
17.03.02 | 3 | India | Bengaluru | iotshow.in | http://iotshow.in/ |
17.03.07 | 2 | United Kingdom | London | Wearable Technology Show | http://www.wearabletechnologyshow.net/iot-connect |
17.03.13 | 5 | United States | Hawaii | First International Workshop on Mobile and Pervasive Internet of Things (PerIoT 2017) | https://periot.github.io/2017/ |
17.03.14 | 3 | Germany | Nuremberg | Embedded World | https://www.embedded-world.de/en |
17.03.15 | 2 | United Kingdom | Cambridge | 7th IoT Forum | http://iot.thebln.com/ |
17.03.15 | 2 | United Kingdom | London | Smart IoT London | http://www.smartiotlondon.com/ |
17.03.29 | 3 | United Kingdom | London | Building IoT London | http://www.buildingiot.london/ |
17.03.29 | 2 | Singapore | Singapore | IoT Asia | http://www.internetofthingsasia.com/events/iot-asia-2017/event-summary-01fd5afb68aa45a29e6661a3fcf5ea72.aspx |
17.04.19 | 2 | United States | San Francisco | Internet of Things Summit | https://theinnovationenterprise.com/summits/internet-of-things-summit-san-francisco-2017 |
17.04.21 | 1 | United States | Minneapolis | IoTFuse 2017 | https://iotfuse.com/home/iotfuse2017/ |
17.05.10 | 2 | Germany | Berlin | Internet of Things Applications Europe | http://www.idtechex.com/internet-of-things-europe/show/en/ |
17.05.16 | 3 | United States | Santa Clara | Internet of Things World | https://tmt.knect365.com/iot-world/ |
17.06.06 | 4 | Switzerland | Geneva | IoT Week 2017 | http://iot-week.eu/ |
17.08.22 | 2 | United Kingdom | London | United Nations IoT Congress | http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/united-nations-iot-congress-2017-tickets-24049983147?aff=es2 |